$ 5.00 USD
Get ready to FIGHT!

The goal of RETRO NIGHT is to bring the local community together by offering different competitive fighting games weekly, and will offer a rotation of different games based on what games can get people in the building!

This even happens for FREE every week except the FINAL WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH. This paid tournament will have a prize pool as well as swag and giveaways when available!

Date and Location


  • 2:00 PM - Doors Open
  • 6:00 PM - Friendlies Begin
  • 6:30 PM - Check-Ins Begin
  • 7:00 PM - Continued friendlies and registration
  • 7:30 PM - Soul Calibur II Starts
  • 8:00 PM - Street Fighter III: Third Strike Starts
  • 8:30 PM - Def Jam: Fight for NY Starts
  • 9:00 PM - King of Fighters XIII Starts
  • 2:00 AM - Venue Closes

** This is not a strict close time. ROK employees will play it by ear.

Location: ROK Esports Center 15305 S Dixie HWY Palmetto Bay, FL 33157

Game List

  • Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
  • Street Fighter 6
  • Tekken 8

Costs and Payments

Card, Cash, Apple Pay, CashApp, and Zelle will be allowed for payment. Cash is the preferable entry method.

Venue Fee: $5
Entry Fee: $5

Prize Pool: Entry Fee + # of Participants

The goal is to build community for the games that we love and we want to get people to enjoy and experience playing in tournaments at ROK. This will mean there will be no prize pools, however, this will make for great practice sessions leading to our Monthly tournaments where players will compete for money, and it will give new players a chance to try games they wouldn't normally try for the sport of competition. We are all trying to vibe and have a good time, so come join us!!

NO SHOWS: If a player signs up for a tournament, that player is expected to follow through on that commitment. If a player does not alert a TO that they are running late by 15 minutes prior to the event, they will be removed from bracket. Failure to alert a TO about any cancellations will result in a one week ban.


All Tournaments are Double Elimination

Sets are BO3, until either Top 8 or Top 4 depending on multiple factors (time, set ups, entrant count) in which it will be BO5.
Default Game Settings
Winner must stay as the same character. Loser may switch characters.
For specific game rules, and any further questions about what games will be run, please reach out to @YoungSimbaFGC or @TheNostalgiaDen through Direct Message on Twitter.

Useful Links

The goal of RETRO NIGHT is to bring the local community together by offering different competitive fighting games weekly, and will offer a rotation of different games based on what games can get people in the building!